Three Useful Mental Quality to Develop for Quitting Drama in Life.

Maessy Chan
3 min readNov 28, 2021


1. Equanimity

It’s a perfect balance of mental quality that is calm and even, particularly in a difficult situations.

For example, when ones already tried their best to help someone in need, but ended up failed, ones don’t get frustrated. They keep staying calm, even and steady with an understanding that every living beings is the owner of their own kamma (an action through mind by thinking, through mouth by speaking, and through body action) so no matter how shitty is the other person situation at the moment after ones tried to help, ones keep their steady consciousness, just stay neutral without rejection or attachment, and let the other person with their own kamma do the work for the rest. This also include when ones facing a difficulty in their own life, they still can keep calm, steady, evenly without being sad or worse, feeling down.

Equanimity always arises with loving kindness and sometimes it arises with compassion.

The more ones know how to develop equanimity, the more they understand another two useful quality which is ‘loving kindness’ and ‘compassion’ since these mental quality attract each other and work in the same wave of consciousness.

Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World. -Thich Nhat Hanh

2. Loving-Kindness

The function of loving-kindness is to eliminate anger. It won’t stir up ill-will or hatred towards their objects. Loving-kindness also help someone free from mentally painful or hatred when ones encounter with people or things they don’t like. Of course… that only happened when ones already mastered this quality enough and, when this quality is developed to their max…, it will become a pure love towards ‘every beings’ without discriminating and without attachment. Only ‘love’.

3. Compassion

The manifestation of compassion is without cruelty. The caution for arising is when ones seeing another beings in pain or suffering. It can lead to an action of helping those in need but with or without an action to help, the moment ones heart pondering when witness another creature is suffering or in pain, it’s called compassion. But remember, compassion always arises without attachment and without hatred.

“What if ones feel sad or pity when saw another in pain and suffered…? don’t ones feels the pain of the other…?” In this case… if ones get carried away with their feelings, that means the compassion had failed to developed at that very moment. Ones can understand and know how the other feel without sharing the same feelings at that very same moment.

‘sad’ and ‘pity’ is a manifestation of mentally painful feeling that arises along with attachment to any kind of objects in ones consciousness while compassion never arises with attachment or hatred.


Those above are three kinds of mental quality which can be develop by ones towards any kinds of living beings (including their own self, the most important one) in this whole universe whenever, wherever, limitless.

The benefit of cultivate those mental quality into ones life…? Ones without doubt will live a more peaceful life without too much drama around them.

Some people might have a hard time to understand and cultivated these mental quality into their life but… no worries! Each of us learn and grow according to our different situation and conditions. This different situation and conditions adding our choices is what make each of us unique and different. Learn how to take things easy and be happy! 🤍



Maessy Chan

Trying to smile, despite of all its up and down in life. Ailurophiles and student of life.