A Choice. Positivity or Negativity…?

Maessy Chan
4 min readNov 27, 2021


Buddha head embedded in a Banyan tree, Wat Mahathat Maha That, Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Our minds and feelings aren’t something that we can control.

One might think ‘I am fine’, ‘I am happy’, ‘I’m good’, and any kind of positivity is here at the moment, for days, months, or even years come that will make one feel nothings lacked in their life. Ones keep telling themselves that everything will be okay and there’s no need to worry so they tried to walk as if everything’s fine and they are okay but… NO. One never knows when the sadness and the emptiness hit inside, come and go like a ghost haunting them when faced with unexpected events along the way.

Sometimes, this negativity appeared mildly and goes away quickly replaced by positivity. Sometimes it appeared a bit stronger and take days to go away. Hell! Sometimes it is so strong that makes one just want to give up and choose to stop every bit of it RIGHT THERE! ASAP! JUST END ALL OF THIS SHIT ONCE AND FOR ALL..!! And then, ones did, using every kind of method that they know and think could help them to run away.

Yep. Runaway. Rather than live and face it. It’s too overwhelmed that one can’t take it any more than that. I apologize for being evil true here and my heart goes out to those who are giving up.

When hit with negative thoughts again, again, and again adding feeling overwhelmed…

At some point in this journey, many of us will be faced with this situation, again and again. The sounds that come from one’s mind which keeps telling themselves ‘there’s something wrong, ‘I’m not good enough, ‘I failed’, ‘No one wants me’ etc... which putting their self down and depressed. Depending on how often and how persistent the thought arises and what kind of surroundings they choose or had at the moment, all of it will affect how one perceives and deal with these situations.

One can’t eliminate this negativity completely. No, without long, persistent training and a supportive environment. Everything in this life is out of our control. All one can do is try. Plant the seeds (those positive traits for the mind) and hope they will bloom in the right situation and condition. I list some of those useful positive traits on a different post here.

Anyway! One can’t hope to get a durian when all the seeds that they planted were mango! Or plant winter plants in the summer and hope them survive without proper care! Can they? The same goes for the human mind in this journey.

When one realizes there’s too much negativity’s around them which doesn’t bring happiness in their life, why doesn’t one learn to sit down, watch and try to classify which seeds are healthy and which seeds are rotten?. Well, oftentimes, one needs to work on the surroundings first such as having fertile soil and the weather that support the growth of the seeds etcetera because.. even healthy seeds can’t grow healthy if the soil and the weather don’t good enough. They might didn’t grow at all!

Your own self is your own refuge. You yourself are your own guide. Therefore, exert discipline over yourself as a merchant would cherish and retrain a noble horse. — Dhammapada, verse 380.

Human Mind / Consciousness

Human mind/consciousness isn’t something that we can control but it’s trainable! (hurray…!!!). If one keeps bringing back the positives and avoid entertaining that negativity inside them, it will help them grow slowly, little by little on their journey. And believe me, it’s not going to be easy and it won’t work right away and might take months or years even take our whole lifetime!

But practice makes perfect!! One can choose what kind of seeds they want then work on it and I choose positivity and try to bring them in and let them grow within me. How about you…?

Want to grow specific plants…? Find that specific seeds and specific surroundings that will support their growth. It wasn’t something easy, it takes time or even takes many rounds of life! All we can do is try, try, and try although we might not be able to see the result that we wanted until our last breath but don’t give up! If the seeds and the surroundings finally aligned, one might be able to taste the fruit of the plants that they have nursed all along the way!



Maessy Chan

Trying to smile, despite of all its up and down in life. Ailurophiles and student of life. https://www.facebook.com/maessy.chan