Mind, Mindfulness. Mindwashing?
Is it possible to be the master of our mind?
Yes. It is. But it took hard works and long progress.
The nature of mind, or consciousness is ‘knowing an object’. It’s a ‘state of knowing an object’. It’s impermanent. It’s always changing depending on their object and circumstances. But the one who trains their mind, knowing what condition and circumstances will evoke what kind of thoughts, will build the ability to be the master of their own mind.
One Mind?
In general, each of us has only one mind or consciousness but the mind can be divided into 89–121 kinds of minds depending on what was their object.
These theories might doesn’t make sense to most of us who never sit down and watch our minds. It’s definitely not scientifically proven but if someone tried, training their own mind, again, again, and again consistently (I’m talking about months, years, even lifetime here but, who has time for this bullshit? everyone never stops thinking about how to survive with all kind of problems occurred in this life!) they will realize and know through their own experience that indeed, the mind is trainable.
A simple test of mindwashing, with ones own awareness.
Yes, mindwashing (let’s create a new term, lol). The difference between mindwashing and brainwashing is, instead of believing in what people say blindly without proof, mindwashing is provable through direct experiences.
Close the eyes and bring the mind to know the breath in general around the nostrils. If the mind can know the breath around the nostril for ONLY TWO SECONDS, actually… we can train the mind to know it for FOUR SECONDS, continuously, and then increase the quantity over time through diligent practice. One minute. Ten minutes. So on.
Imagine knowing only our breath for thirty minutes or hours, continuously…? Not easy, but possible. If one does it daily and literally trains it every single moment (yes, every single moment, when one sh*t, when one eats, when one walking, when one going to sleep, every-single-moment) for some period of time, one will realize that the mind will know their breath effortless because of the training and the mind will eventually be sticked into knowing the breath without ones will, to the point where one starts to have a dream of knowing their breath when they asleep, to the point where one literally woke up shocked by their own breath and the mind immediately sticked to the breath and causes one have a hard time to switch the mind to know another object if the practitioner hasn’t had the ability to switch their own mind as they pleased. Through diligent training, the mind had successfully been washed to only know the breath! It’s a habit that can be trained with practice!
Monkey mind?
Imagine a monkey hopping from one tree to another quickly while screaming like crazy…? Our mind is the same, hopping from one to another object, quickly! unnoticeable! can’t be seen with naked eyes of course. It is simply because the mind hasn’t been trained so some people on some occasions will claim and say what they did was not out of their own will and then think there’s something wrong with themselves when the reality is, it was just because the mind had been permeated into many kinds of objects without awareness through six senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and the thought) which made one think they just act on their own when basically, the mind just lack the quality of mindfulness.
The mind has the ability to know everything.
Every single thing, as long as one trains them. The object passes through our eyes, anything visible, the object passes through our nose, any kind of smell, the object passes through our ears, any kind of sounds, the object passes through our tongue, any kind of tastes, the object passes through our bodies contact, the sensation, even our own thought and feelings is an object to the minds which can raise another state of mind, an awareness, the quality which can build from mindfulness training, mindfulness practice, in fact, being mindful mean being aware.
A Note:
Breath is a subtle object, it’s not easy to be known for people who naturally have a rough thought which aren’t trained to know a subtle object.
The benefit of knowing our breath is to calm down our minds, temporarily, only when in that state. When one gets out of that state, the mind will start taking another object, mostly the thought of things which is the priorities in their daily life, whether it family, friends, works, planning, any kind of thought that had been there habitually.