Your point of view is interesting.
I'll share another point of view from me, as a woman.
In Asian cultures, especially Chinese culture (I don't know about other cultures), childrens are going to carry on the family line/blood line based on the surname of their 'father'. My grandfather was a foster child and he used his stepfather surname, so does my father. Our parents didn't married legally so I use my mother surname. This means I have three surname I can use which to me, wasn't something important anymore (I often get confused what surname I should used when I was little).
It doesn't matter what surname I use anyway because at the end, if I have kids, the kids will have to follow their father surname. Their father family line. Not mine. Woman have no family line.
I couldn't track back who's my great-grandfather so I literally don't know who's my ancestor then what's the point of family line for me as a woman...?
I guess existential-crisis playing part here but from different point of view 😃