What is Meditation ‘according to Buddhism’ ?

Maessy Chan
2 min readMay 6, 2019


First, what is the purpose of meditation?

The answer is : To see things as they are

How to ‘see things as they are’ ?

By purifying one’s mind/consciousness that polluted by defilements

What is polluted mind/consciousness?

The mind that can’t differentiate what is truth and what isn’t a truth

What is truth according to Buddhism?

The Four Noble Truth

  1. The truth of suffering
  2. The truth of the origin of suffering
  3. The truth of the cessation of suffering
  4. The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering

When one’s can see/penetrate the truth that there is suffering(1) and their origin(2), one’s furthermore process to the path of ‘the cessation of suffering(3)’ and after one’s finally go trough the path and complete it… the next moment is a realization of there is ‘truth of the path to the cessation of suffering(4)…’ the path that have taken and walked…

So, what is meditation according to Buddhism…?

Meditation simply is a way to purify one’s mind/consciousness so one’s can see things as they are and escape from this endless journey, endless rebirth.

But… How? In what way…? What kind of meditation…?

So, there are two kind of meditation according to Buddhism. Two faces of coin which complete each other, Samatha & Vipassana.

Samatha : it’s a way to calm and clear one’s mind/consciousness so the defilements is submerged until the mind/consciousness become flexible enough being directed to where one’s want.

Vipassana : A practice that directing the mind/consciousness to see the ‘truth’ and penetrate/recognize them.

Vipassana worked perfectly when ones mind/consciousness is calm, clear, tamed and flexible enough through Samatha practicing.

Meditation in Buddhism

is a way to train one’s mind/consciousness so the mind/consciousness is tamed, calm, clear, and flexible enough for one’s to direct them to see things as they are until their final path, the realization of the cessation of suffering and the path of the cessation of suffering to end this endless journey, endless rebirth.

The way to meditate according to Buddhism…?

The Noble Eightfold Path

  1. Right understanding

2. Right thought

3. Right speech

4. Right action

5. Right livelihood

6. Right effort

7. Right mindfulness

8. Right concentration

  • This article is written based on the comprehension of the author. If anyone finds an error, please let the author know.



Maessy Chan
Maessy Chan

Written by Maessy Chan

Trying to smile, despite of all its up and down in life. Ailurophiles and student of life. https://www.facebook.com/maessy.chan

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