Is Virtual World a Real Life? Am I Real Here?

Maessy Chan
3 min readDec 2, 2021


Everyone write and post their idea, research, stories, experience, hobbies, so on… on their social media account.

The question is, ‘Does social media is the real of us…? Is it a real life?’

The answer for me is, Yes. It is real life. Partially.

Our personality is real in this social media account, good or bad but, only partially.

‘What does that mean…?’

Our life doesn’t evolve on this flat screen for the whole time. Even if someone spent their time mostly on social media, that doesn’t mean they can show everything about themselves to this virtual world. After all, we don’t live in this virtual world for our whole life time, don’t we..? And even if we do, now the question is how someone portraits us based on the part of our post that they read and perceive.

Some of us posted whatever suited us despite good or bad according to society. Some try to post what’s the best they have and hide the ugly part, not show it on this flat screen.

Good or bad? it’s all depends on one’s preference.

With that, does it make us become real? or fake…?

Sometimes we judge someone as being fake or being two faces based on what we perceive with the information we absorb regard on that specific person while we forgot actually, we our self are having… three faces! According to Japanese proverb.

What we share on social media was only a small part of our self. And most of all, not only just it was a small part, but it was also what we thought at the time, at the moment.

The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.

People changes. We are human after all. We have feelings. And feelings changes. All the time. There’s always up and down. Ones might choose to share only what they perceive as the good part of themselves on this flat screen so they can feel good, a little bit better version of themselves.

Ones might choose to share both the people perceive as good or bad, thinking that they are being true to themselves. Of course, it is true.

There are also some of us that will pour out all their shit or harsh words virtually while acting sweet outside this virtual world out of fear to have mentally and physically face people’s judgment! We never know.

No matter what side of us that we share in this flat screen or so-called ‘virtual world’, it’s all a part of our identity. It’s all a part of our personality. Good or bad with all the ups and downs we experience outside this flat screen. It’s all real. Virtual world is a part of our (real) life in this era, whether ‘emotionally’ or 'intellectually’, except 'physically’.

So, what do you think about virtual world? is it real…?



Maessy Chan

Trying to smile, despite of all its up and down in life. Ailurophiles and student of life.