Acceptance With Understanding, in Theory.

What is acceptance?

Maessy Chan
3 min readNov 30, 2021

Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit.

It’s called ‘faith’ for religion or some kind of spiritual belief.

What is understanding?

An insight. A knowledge that’s experienced and proved by oneself. When one finally realizes that it’s true and works for them. Genius can easily understand how things work but that doesn’t mean genius understood everything. For some, understanding isn’t easy to gain and it depends on everyone’s situation or the characters they build since young.

Accepting the good, and the bad, with understanding.

Accepting something that was considered as ‘good’ was easy for most people. But not when it’s something that’s considered as bad in this society, for the majority. Although accepting our own lack is doable too but there’s one thing I’d like to add which is… understanding.

Accepting our lack and negativity without understanding usually will lead to feeling ‘lifeless’ and ‘down’ over time while rejection will cause someone to suffer more. When we reject something, most of the time it’s because we purely don’t understand it or do not have the willingness to understand it so we deny them. Or maybe one’s tried to, but can never comprehend.

In some cases, understanding comes through a lot of experiences, trials and errors. When one combines the act of acceptance and understanding, there’s peace come within which will open a path for someone to move forward when they are faced with difficulty in this life.

Learn acceptance and understanding when difficulty hit

If we ever faced difficulty in our life, learn how to accept it rather than rejecting. Especially if our minds keep feeding us negativity to put us down, watch and learn to understand these minds… we might can’t stop them to pop up but we can choose to be in peace with those thoughts and learn to switch them to another better and positive thought. Try going outside and use nature for healing.

Listen to the birds.. the sound of the wind.. watch those small creatures! The spiders, those insects, even those little ants in our living space is fighting for their survival! Enjoy the view of the ocean.. the skies.. the forest.. those views can help us feel a bit relieved.. nature is the best healing. Nature reminds us that we are a part of this universe. Everyone and everything is a part of this universe. But remember, take a deep breath, open our eyes and watch nature, our views also will expand. One’s can feel the areas around the eyes and forehead feels open, wider, and relaxed. Connect with nature almost like charging our soul after being drained by the negativity that surrounds us. After recharge, ones gain new energy to keep walk their path.

Recharge as much as needed.

Lebah madu klanceng. They are so clumsy often drown in the water when looking for a drink.

Final thought

The crucial point…, all of this writing was only a ‘theory’. It’s just theory.

One needs to take an action, a willingness to do it. A faith in the beginning, experience through their own self, and gain the understanding through the experience. Without action, it’s like someone is given medicine by a doctor, but they keep reading the instructions without taking the medications. The descriptions won’t help anything. Only if ones take the action, then ones had the chance to prove whether the medicine was going to help or not.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu

This life is a battle and we are our own enemy yet we are our own savior.



Maessy Chan

Trying to smile, despite of all its up and down in life. Ailurophiles and student of life.