Men, who compartmentalize all the things.
Will you stop, for once…?
Different cultures, different upbringing, different mindsets, held different views and beliefs for each person. Black, white, brown, western, Asian, etcetera.
Human was the one who compartmentalized their selves. Not only compartmentalized their own existence, but humans also compartmentalized everything, literally every single thing they could. Human was the one who fights for what they believe is true, creating more and more things to fill their hunger, with some ignoring other truths when it doesn’t suit their perception or beliefs.
We are all living beings that live in the same home called ‘universe’. No matter what it is your form and your colors, we are all built of ‘body’ and ‘mind’.
Baby and kids, have purer minds because they haven’t had much experience in this life journey. They don’t really compartmentalize things but adults teach them to differentiate things from good to bad. Hence, they start to absorb things into their mind, take notes, and remember all the things they could.
They also feel, and with each of their experiences along their way, they start to differentiate which experience made them feel good, which experiences made them feel uneasy, then they slowly take notes and memorize all of it. Each kid has a different development speed. Some learn things quickly, some learn things slowly.
With each experience they accumulated along the way, these growing kids seek an answer for everything they couldn’t understand by asking anyone or fathoming through their own many time’s similar experiences. Most of the time, we only get our answer by realizing it through our own experiences, again, again, and again, repeatedly.
Those who can’t fathom and are unable to face things that made them feel uneasy might look for a way to escape, in order to survive. Everyone fought hard to survive. What else we can do…? There’s never-ending learning. All of us are hungry for everything we recognized through our senses. It’s always a lot of things to learn, to pursue, more money, more possessions, more higher status, more higher knowledge, more good feelings, more and more…
All is burning. -Buddha
Unstoppable thoughts… unstoppable competition… unstoppable chasing…
Does anyone trying to stop in the middle of this rabbit hole and try to look around…? Look without prejudice and compartmentalize things… be aware, only knowing and seeing…?